Why You Must Not Be Overweight?

Why Is Burn Fats Important?

Burning Fats is important for your look and more so for your health. If you are working in an office and do not have much time to exercise, you are likely to have excess fats. You need to burn the excess fats effectively and safely.

Two out of three of America’s adults—130 million people—are either overweight or obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The nation spends upward of $100 billion annually on medical expenses related to obesity, poor nutrition and physical inactivity, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. If you are overweight or obese, carrying this extra weight puts you at risk for developing many diseases, especially heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer. Losing this weight helps to prevent and control these diseases.

How Do You Know If You Are Overweight (or Underweight)?

  • Use the BMI to assess overweight and obesity. Body weight alone can be used to follow weight loss, and to determine the effectiveness of therapy.
  • The BMI to classify overweight and obesity and to estimate relative risk of disease compared to normal weight.
  • The waist circumference should be used to assess abdominal fat content.
  • “Overweight” is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of between 25 and 29.9, and “obese” as having a BMI of 30 or higher.

If you are over weight, what can weight loss do for you?

Here are some of the advantages of weight loss if you are over weight.

  • Weight loss to lower elevated blood pressure in overweight and obese persons with high blood pressure.
  • Weight loss to lower elevated levels of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides, and to raise low levels of HDL-cholesterol in overweight and obese persons with dyslipidemia.
  • Weight loss to lower elevated blood glucose levels in overweight and obese persons with type 2 diabetes.

Should You Be Counting The Calories?

Do calories matter or do you simply need to eat certain foods and that will guarantee you’ll lose weight? Should you count calories or can you just count “portions?” Is it necessary to keep a food diary? Is it unrealistic to count calories for the rest of your life or is that just part of the price you pay for a better body? In many popular diet books, “Calories don’t count” is a frequently repeated theme. Other popular programs, such as Bill Phillip's "Body For Life," stress the importance of energy intake versus energy output, but recommend that you count “portions” rather than calories…

For more information on calories (including how calculate precisely how many you should eat based on your age, activity and personal goals, and for even more practical, proven fat loss techniques to help you lose body fat safely, healthfully and permanently), check out the most popular e-book on Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle here:

How To Burn Fats Guide by Tom Venuto (picture above)

Tom is a professional body builder who strongly believes in not using any drugs and supplement. He manage to achieve great results using the system he personally developed. He won a few awards in the bodybuilding competition. He subsequently put the system into an eBook. With his passion and knowledge, his eBook became an inspiration for many people who had difficulty in losing weight. Tens of thousands of people has benefited from his teachings by following his program. Currently Tom's eBook is one of the top selling book on the Internet. Do make sure that you check it out. Tom provides 100% money back guarantee with no question asked.



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